Our Enrichment
“While we try to teach our children all about life, our children teach us what life is all about.”
― Angela Schwindt

 Mathematical Mondays

Read Through Tuesdays

Say Hola on Wednesdays

Little Scientist's Thursdays

Mathematical Mondays
We focus on Mathematics on Mondays. Depending on their levels, children learn about numbers, shapes, addition, subtraction, skip counting, etc. They explore their knowledge and creativity through various and fun mathematical activities.

Read through Tuesdays
Children explore the letters of the alphabet and phonemic sounds. They move to the next level learning about beginning and ending sounds, c-v-c words, short & long vowels, blends, and digraphs. Those transitioning to our Pre-K classes also recognize sight words and can read short passages!

Say Hola on Wednesdays
We focus on Spanish on Wednesdays. Depending on the theme of the week, children learn and explore various Spanish vocabulary and learn simple phrases. These include days of the week, months of the year, colors, numbers, and fun songs!

Little Scientist's Thursdays
We focus on Science on Thursdays. Children get to become little Scientists and explore their curiosity through practical lessons. They love learning about different scientific experiments!

Musical Fridays
We focus on Music on Fridays. Whether it be a song, a dance, or simply putting together musical instruments to create sound, it is always a fun enrichment to look forward to. Children learn about various musical instruments and the sounds they create. They love to put on their own musical show!

Healthy Living
We promote a healthy lifestyle by exposing children to healthy habits. We encourage the students to be active every day, play outside, choose healthy snacks containing fruits and vegetables, limit screen time, and practice good oral and personal hygiene. We incorporate all healthy habits in daily activities.